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@fatih fatih released this 25 Jul 15:12
· 3772 commits to master since this release


  • Commands (NEW): a new :GoGenerate command is now available which can be used to invoke go generate within vim
  • Commands: improved :GoFmt command, which now uses the -w flag to write to the source code directly, instead of outputting it to stdout. This makes :GoFmt much more faster than the current implementation. This is one of the big changes in this release, so feedback is welcome!
  • Commands: improve commands GoRun, GoTest{,Func,Compile}, GoCoverage, GoGenerate, GoErrcheck, GoLint, and GoVet to handle multiple arguments. Previously this feature was limited to only certain commands. What this means is, for example :GoVet . -all will invoke go tool vet . -all automatically instead of plan go vet. This is one of the big changes in this release, so give it a try :)
  • Commands: improve :GoImport to have a ! feature. Now when when called with a ! appended it will go get it. i.e: :GoImport! Useful if :GoImport fails and you want to download it.
  • Commands: automatic GOPATH detections can now detect gb vendored folders. Some commands should now work without any problem when invoked on a gb project.
  • Commands: all command arguments are now properly escaped for shell invocation.
  • Commands: added the -f flag to :GoInstallBinaries command to support git url.<base>.insteadOf configuration
  • Commands: fix:GoDef for files containing spaces. We know escape the files before passing to :GoDef
  • Commands: fix :GoFmt not picking up the correct GOPATH when the fmt command was set to goimports
  • Documentation: fix and simplify, add Wiki reference
  • Syntax improve width and precision highlighting, such as %s %5s %-5s %5.5f %.5f
  • License: Vim-go didn't had any license, now we use BSD 3-Clause License (the same as Go). This is needed for Linux distributions to package vim-go and is also something that people asked for.
  • Integration: fixed tagbar integration to show correct imports.
  • Oracle: show an error if a region is not selected when :GoFreeVars is called

With this release the version will now increase in minor levels. So the next release will be 1.2, the other one 1.3, etc.. This provides us more flexibility (like releasing patch versions if needed).

Also I want to thank for all contributors working on Vim-go. I truly appreciate it, because they help me to implement and fix all these feature and fixes. So please visit the contributors page and thank each of them :)