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@fatih fatih released this 22 Nov 10:07
· 3677 commits to master since this release


  • Commands (NEW): a new :GoOracleTags command was added to pass build tags to Oracle's -tags flag. (gh-573)
  • Commands: change :GoTest command to timeout after 10 seconds. Vim UI is blocking and tests with large running times makes Vim blocking for a long time. This is also customizable with the new option g:go_test_timeout. (gh-578)
  • Commands: improve :GoRename to collect and populate quickfix window with errors. (gh-577)
  • Commands: improve :GoRun by dropping bad filenames from quickfix window. This allows us to have only valid entries which can be jumped to (gh-547)
  • Commands: improve :GoMetaLinter quickfix output by using absolute paths. This enables us to jump to errors for all cases. (gh-565)
  • Commands: improve :GoMetaLinter command by adding a new option g:go_metalinter_deadline which cancels the linters after 5 seconds (previous default). (gh-576)
  • Commands: improve :GoMetaLinter by jumping to the first encountered error from the quickfix window.
  • Commands: fixed :GoErrCheck showing the correct output when executed inside the source folder (gh-564)
  • Commands: fixed :GoBuild by not using /dev/null anymore for build output (not supported by go). We pass a temporary file now. (gh-567)
  • Commands: fixed :GoFmt passing g:go_fmt_options options to goimports. This option is only valid with gofmt. (gh-590)
  • Internal (NEW): automatically resize quickfix window based on the number of errors (gh-602)
  • Internal: fix vim-go for cygwin users. (gh-575)
  • Syntax (NEW): improve build constraints to show invalid cases (such as // +buildfoo, not having an empty line between the package statement, etc..). Also add missing GOARCH values sucha s arm64. There are many other useful improvements, for more detail please have a look at (gh-589)
  • Syntax: fixed identifier in template files to be highlighted correctly (gh-559)
  • Syntax: fixed character region in template files to be highlighted correctly (gh-603)
  • Syntax: fixed variables in template files to be highlighted correctly (gh-611)
  • Syntax: add support for all values of GOARCH (gh-601)
  • Syntax: do not treat builtins as keywords. Now make will not highlighted but make() will be highlighted (gh-605)
  • Documentation: Add note about Syntastic usage as this problem comes up a lot (gh-580)
  • Documentation: Add note about :GoUpdateBinaries (gh-606)

Thanks to all contributors working on Vim-go.