CrowdStrike is a security company focused on building the most advanced intelligence platform in the world. We use Go to help us get there, and are looking for a few good gophers to help us change the world. Interested?
In brief
Tracy Maple
Darren Pauli
Teach & inspire learners worldwide. Grow establish your personal brand. Be an author. Make a difference.
Pluralsight   sponsored 
Amazon Web Services
Quite a high-level, webmaster POV post.
Felix Tarcomnicu
An overview with some advice for sysadmins. Leo has also compiled a handy list with plenty of helpful guides and tutorials.
Leo G
Federated clustering overview with a focus on Swarm. Includes architecture diagrams and tools for building an experiment in AWS.
Jeff Nickoloff
DevOps tools don’t magically make you “DevOps”. Rather, they support collaboration between Dev and Ops. Here’s what to look for.
Sarah Zorah
A look at the reasons why HTTPS is the only serious option nowadays, and some remaining myths.
Scott Helme
Massimo Re Ferre
Deepak Karanth
DreamFactory's autogenerated REST APIs work across multiple databases on a multitude of servers. Free, open source platform.
DreamFactory   sponsored 
Integrate Docker containers into a serverless platform via IOpipe, a toolkit for event-driven, serverless apps.
Now supports HTTP/2 too.
Tomas Senart