Writing High Performance Go


17 April 2016

Dave Cheney



Thank you for coming to my talk.

Thank you also to the GopherChina organisers for inviting me to speak.

My name is David. I'm a Go programmer from Sydney, Australia.

I'm a contributor to the Go project and I run the Sydney Go Users' group.



This talk is aimed at development teams who are building production Go applications intended for high scale deployment.

This presentation will be available after the talk. It contains lots of examples and links to other material.

Today I am going to cover four areas:

I'm going to be here for the entire conference, please come and ask me your questions after the talk.


Performance measurement and profiling


Performance measurement and profiling

There is a old Australian proverb.

"Measure twice, cut once"

Before you can begin to tune your application, you need to know if your changes are making things better, or worse.

You must establish a reliable baseline to measure the impact of your change.

In other words, "Don't guess, measure"


Profiling basics

Before you profile, you must have a stable environment to get repeatable results.

If you can afford it, buy dedicated performance test hardware. Rack them, disable all the power management and thermal scaling and never update the software on those machines.

For everyone else, have a before and after sample and run them multiple times to get consistent results.



The primary tool we're going to be talking about today is pprof.

pprof descends from the Google Performance Tools suite.

pprof profiling is built into the Go runtime.

We're going to discuss CPU and Memory profiling today.


CPU profiling

CPU profiling is the most common type of profile.

When CPU profiling is enabled, the runtime will interrupt itself every 10ms and record the stack trace of the currently running goroutines.

Once the profile is saved to disk, we can analyse it to determine the hottest code paths.

The more times a function appears in the profile, the more time that code path is taking as a percentage of the total runtime.


Memory profiling

Memory profiling records the stack trace when a heap allocation is made.

Memory profiling, like CPU profiling is sample based. By default memory profiling samples 1 in every 1000 allocations. This rate can be changed.

Stack allocations are assumed to be free and are not tracked in the memory profile.

Because of memory profiling is sample based and because it tracks allocations not use, using memory profiling to determine your application's overall memory usage is difficult.

We'll talk more about measuring memory usage later.


One profile at at time

Profiling is not free.

Profiling has a moderate, but measurable impact on program performance—especially if you increase the memory profile sample rate.

Most tools will not stop you from enabling multiple profiles at once.

If you enable multiple profiles at the same time, they will observe their own interactions and skew your results.

Do not enable more than one kind of profile at a time.


Using pprof

Now that I've talked about what pprof can measure, I will talk about how to use pprof to analyse a profile.

pprof should always be invoked with two arguments.

go tool pprof /path/to/your/binary /path/to/your/profile

The binary argument must be the binary that produced this profile.

The profile argument must be the profile generated by this binary.

Warning: Because pprof also supports an online mode where it can fetch profiles from a running application over http, the pprof tool can be invoked without the name of your binary (issue 10863):

go tool pprof /tmp/c.pprof

Do not do this or pprof will report your profile is empty.


Using pprof (cont.)

This is a sample cpu profile:

% go tool pprof $BINARY /tmp/c.p
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) top
Showing top 15 nodes out of 63 (cum >= 4.85s)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
    21.89s  9.84%  9.84%    128.32s 57.71%  net.(*netFD).Read
    17.58s  7.91% 17.75%     40.28s 18.11%  runtime.exitsyscall
    15.79s  7.10% 24.85%     15.79s  7.10%  runtime.newdefer
    12.96s  5.83% 30.68%    151.41s 68.09%  test_frame/connection.(*ServerConn).readBytes
    11.27s  5.07% 35.75%     23.35s 10.50%  runtime.reentersyscall
    10.45s  4.70% 40.45%     82.77s 37.22%  syscall.Syscall
     9.38s  4.22% 44.67%      9.38s  4.22%  runtime.deferproc_m
     9.17s  4.12% 48.79%     12.73s  5.72%  exitsyscallfast
     8.03s  3.61% 52.40%     11.86s  5.33%  runtime.casgstatus
     7.66s  3.44% 55.85%      7.66s  3.44%  runtime.cas
     7.59s  3.41% 59.26%      7.59s  3.41%  runtime.onM
     6.42s  2.89% 62.15%    134.74s 60.60%  net.(*conn).Read
     6.31s  2.84% 64.98%      6.31s  2.84%  runtime.writebarrierptr
     6.26s  2.82% 67.80%     32.09s 14.43%  runtime.entersyscall

Often this output is hard to understand.


Using pprof (cont.)

A better way to understand your profile is to visualise it.

% go tool pprof $BINARY /tmp/c.p
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) web

Opens a web page with a graphical display of the profile.

I find this method to be superior to the text mode, I strongly recommend you try it.

pprof supports a non interactive form with flags like -svg, -pdf, etc. See go tool pprof -help for more details.


Using pprof (cont.)

We can visualise memory profiles in the same way.

% go build -gcflags='-memprofile=/tmp/m.p'
% go tool pprof --alloc_objects -svg $(go tool -n compile) /tmp/m.p > alloc_objects.svg
% go tool pprof --inuse_objects -svg $(go tool -n compile) /tmp/m.p > inuse_objects.svg

The allocation profile reports the location of where every allocation was made.

In use profile reports the location of an allocation that are live at the end of the profile.





Now that we discussed what profiling is, and how to use pprof, we're going to look at writing benchmarks and interpreting their results.

The Go runtime's profiling interface, runtime/pprof, is a very low level tool. For historic reasons the interfaces to the different kinds of profile are not uniform.

To make it easier to profile your code you should use a higher level interface.

This section focuses on how to construct useful benchmarks using the Go testing framework, and gives practical tips for avoiding the pitfalls.


Using the testing package for benchmarking


// Fib computes the n'th number in the Fibonacci series.
func Fib(n int) int {
    if n < 2 {
        return n
    return Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2)


import "testing"

func BenchmarkFib(b *testing.B) {
    for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
        Fib(20) // run the Fib function b.N times

DEMO: go test -bench=. ./fib


Comparing benchmarks

For repeatable results, you should run benchmarks multiple times.

You can do this manually, or use the -count= flag.

Determining the performance delta between two sets of benchmarks can be tedious and error prone.

Tools like rsc.io/benchstat are useful for comparing results.

% go test -bench=. -count=5 > old.txt

DEMO: Improve Fib

% go test -bench=. -count=5 > new.txt
% benchstat old.txt new.txt

DEMO: benchstat {old,new}.txt


Watch out for compiler optimisations

How fast will this benchmark run ?

const m1 = 0x5555555555555555
const m2 = 0x3333333333333333
const m4 = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
const h01 = 0x0101010101010101

func popcnt(x uint64) uint64 {
    x -= (x >> 1) & m1
    x = (x & m2) + ((x >> 2) & m2)
    x = (x + (x >> 4)) & m4
    return (x * h01) >> 56

func BenchmarkPopcnt(b *testing.B) {
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

DEMO: go test -bench=. ./popcnt


What happened?

popcnt is a leaf function, so the compiler can inline it.

Because the function is inlined, the compiler can see it has no side effects, so the call is eliminated. This is what the compiler sees:

func BenchmarkPopcnt(b *testing.B) {
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        // optimised away

This is not a bug.

The same optimisations that make code fast, by removing unnecessary computation, are the same ones that remove benchmarks that have no observable side effects.

DEMO: show how to fix popcnt


Profiling benchmarks

The testing package has built in support for generating CPU, memory, and block profiles.

Using any of these flags also preserves the binary.

% go test -run=XXX -bench=IndexByte -cpuprofile=/tmp/c.p bytes
% go tool pprof bytes.test /tmp/c.p

Note: use -run=XXX to disable tests, you only want to profile benchmarks.


Profiling applications

Profiling testing benchmarks is useful for microbenchmarks, but what if you want to profile a complete application?

To profile an application, you could use the runtime/pprof package, but that is fiddly and low level.

A few years ago I wrote a small package, github.com/pkg/profile, to make it easier to profile an application.

import "github.com/pkg/profile"

func main() {
      defer profile.Start().Stop()

DEMO: Show profiling cmd/godoc with pkg/profile


Memory management and GC tuning


Memory management and GC tuning

Go is a garbage collected language. This is a design principle, it will not change.

The Go GC favors lower latency over maximum throughput; it moves some of the allocation cost to the mutator to reduce the cost of cleanup later.

As a garbage collected language, the performance of Go programs is often determined by their interaction with the garbage collector.

Next to your choice of algorithms, memory consumption is the most important factor that determines the performance and scalability of your application.

In this section we will discuss the operation of the garbage collector, how to measure the memory usage of your program and strategies for lowering memory usage if garbage collector performance is a bottleneck.


Garbage collector monitoring

A simple way to obtain a general idea of how hard the garbage collector is working is to enable the output of GC logging.

These stats are always collected, but normally supressed, you can enable their display by setting the GODEBUG environment variable.

% env GODEBUG=gctrace=1 godoc -http=:8080
gc 1 @0.017s 8%: 0.021+3.2+0.10+0.15+0.86 ms clock, 0.043+3.2+0+2.2/0.002/0.009+1.7 ms cpu, 5->6->1 MB, 4 MB goal, 4 P
gc 2 @0.026s 12%: 0.11+4.9+0.12+1.6+0.54 ms clock, 0.23+4.9+0+3.0/0.50/0+1.0 ms cpu, 4->6->3 MB, 6 MB goal, 4 P
gc 3 @0.035s 14%: 0.031+3.3+0.76+0.17+0.28 ms clock, 0.093+3.3+0+2.7/0.012/0+0.84 ms cpu, 4->5->3 MB, 3 MB goal, 4 P
gc 4 @0.042s 17%: 0.067+5.1+0.15+0.29+0.95 ms clock, 0.20+5.1+0+3.0/0/0.070+2.8 ms cpu, 4->5->4 MB, 4 MB goal, 4 P
gc 5 @0.051s 21%: 0.029+5.6+0.33+0.62+1.5 ms clock, 0.11+5.6+0+3.3/0.006/0.002+6.0 ms cpu, 5->6->4 MB, 5 MB goal, 4 P
gc 6 @0.061s 23%: 0.080+7.6+0.17+0.22+0.45 ms clock, 0.32+7.6+0+5.4/0.001/0.11+1.8 ms cpu, 6->6->5 MB, 7 MB goal, 4 P
gc 7 @0.071s 25%: 0.59+5.9+0.017+0.15+0.96 ms clock, 2.3+5.9+0+3.8/0.004/0.042+3.8 ms cpu, 6->8->6 MB, 8 MB goal, 4 P

The trace output gives a general measure of GC activity.

DEMO: Show godoc with GODEBUG=gctrace=1 enabled


Garbage collector monitoring (cont.)

Using GODEBUG=gctrace=1 is good when you know there is a problem, but for general telemetry I recommend the net/http/pprof interface.

import _ "net/http/pprof"

Importing the net/http/pprof package will register a handler at /debug/pprof with various runtime metrics, including:

Warning: net/http/pprof will register itself with your default http.ServeMux.

Be careful as this will be visible if you use http.ListenAndServe(address, nil).

DEMO: godoc -http=:8080, show /debug/pprof.


Garbage collector tuning

The Go runtime provides one environment variable to tune the GC, GOGC.

The formula for GOGC is as follows.

goal = reachable * (1 + GOGC/100)

For example, if we currently have a 256mb heap, and GOGC=100 (the default), when the heap fills up it will grow to

512mb = 256mb * (1 + 100/100)

The default value of 100 is only a guide, you should choose your own value after profiling your application with production loads.


Reduce allocations

Make sure your APIs allow the caller to reduce the amount of garbage generated.

Consider these two Read methods

func (r *Reader) Read() ([]byte, error)
func (r *Reader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error)

The first Read method takes no arguments and returns some data as a []byte. The second takes a []byte buffer and returns the amount of bytes read.

The first Read method will always allocate a buffer, putting pressure on the GC. The second fills the buffer it was given, allowing the caller to reuse the buffer.


strings and []bytes

Most programs prefer to work with string, but most IO is done with []byte.

In Go string values are immutable, []byte are mutable. Converting between the two generates garbage.

Avoid []byte to string conversions wherever possible, this normally means picking one representation, either a string or a []byte for a value. Often this will be []byte if you read the data from the network or disk.

The bytes package contains many of the same operations— Split, Compare, HasPrefix, Trim, etc—as the strings package.

Under the hood strings uses same assembly primitives as the bytes package.


Using []byte as a map key

It is very common to use a string as a map key, but often you have a []byte.

The compiler implements a specific optimisation for this case

var m map[string]string
v, ok := m[string(bytes)]

This will avoid the conversion of the byte slice to a string for the map lookup. This is very specific, it won't work if you do something like

key := string(bytes)
val, ok := m[key]

Avoid string concatenation

Go strings are immutable. Concatenating two strings generates a third.

Avoid string concatenation by appending into a []byte buffer.


s := request.ID
s += " " + client.Address().String()
s += " " + time.Now().String()
return s


b := make([]byte, 0, 40) // guess
b = append(b, request.ID...)
b = append(b, ' ')
b = append(b, addr.String()...)
b = append(b, ' ')
b = time.Now().AppendFormat(b, "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST")
return string(b)

DEMO: go test -bench=. ./concat


Preallocate slices if the length is known

Append is convenient, but wasteful.

What is the capacity of b after we append one more item to it?

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    b := make([]int, 1024)
    b = append(b, 99)
    fmt.Println("len:", len(b), "cap:", cap(b))

Slices grow by doubling up to 1024 elements, then by approximately 25% after that. What is the capacity of b after we append one more item to it?

If you use the append pattern you could be copying a lot of data and creating a lot of garbage.

If know know the length of the slice beforehand, then pre-allocate the target to avoid copying and to make sure the target is exactly the right size.





Go's signature feature is its lightweight concurrency model.

Goroutines are so cheap to create, and so easy to use, you could think of them as almost free.

The Go runtime has been written for programs with tens of thousands of goroutines as the norm, hundreds of thousands are not unexpected.

While cheap, these features are not free, and overuse often leads to unexpected performance problems.

This final section concludes with a set of do's and don't's for efficient use of Go's concurrency primitives.


Know when to stop a goroutine

Goroutines are cheap to start and cheap to run, but they do have a finite cost in terms of memory footprint; you cannot create an infinite number of them.

Each goroutine consumes a minimum amount of memory for the goroutine's stack, currently at least 2k.

2048 * 1,000,000 goroutines == 2Gb of memory per 1,000,000 goroutines.

Every time you use the go keyword in your program to launch a goroutine, you must know how and when that goroutine will exit.

If you don't know the answer, that's a potential memory leak.

In your design, some goroutines may run until the program exits. These goroutines are rare enough to not become an exception to the rule.

Never start a goroutine without knowing how it will stop.


Use streaming IO interfaces

Where-ever possible avoid reading data into a []byte and passing it around.

Depending on the request you may end up reading megabytes (or more!) of data into memory. This places huge pressure on the GC, which will increase the average latency of your application.

Instead use io.Reader and io.Writer to construct processing pipelines to cap the amount of memory in use per request.

For efficiency, consider implementing io.ReaderFrom / io.WriterTo if you use a lot of io.Copy. These interface are more efficient and avoid copying memory into a temporary buffer.


io.Reader and io.Writer are not buffered

io.Reader and io.Writer implementations are not buffered.

This includes net.Conn, *os.File, and os.Stdout.

Use bufio.NewReader(r) and bufio.NewWriter(w) to get a buffered reader and writer.

Don't forget to Flush or Close your bufio.Writer to flush its buffer to the underlying Writer.


Timeouts, timeouts, timeouts

Never start an IO operating without knowing the maximum time it will take.

You need to set a timeout on every network request you make with SetDeadline, SetReadDeadline, SetWriteDeadline.

// sendfile sends the contents of path to the client c.
func sendfile(c net.Conn, path string) error {
    r, err := os.Open(path)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer r.Close()

    // Set the deadline to one minute from now.
    c.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(60 * time.Second))

    // Copy will send as much of r to the client as it can in 60 seconds.
    _, err = io.Copy(c, r)
    return err

Go uses efficient polling, sometimes

The Go runtime handles network IO using an operating system polling mechanism. Many waiting goroutines will be serviced by a single operating system thread.

However, for local file IO, Go does not implement any IO polling. Each operation on a *os.File consumes one operating system thread while in progress.

Heavy use of local file IO can cause your program to spawn hundreds or thousands of threads; possibly more than your operating system allows.

Your disk subsystem does not expect to be able to handle hundreds or thousands of concurrent IO requests.

You need to limit the amount of blocking IO you issue. Use a pool of worker goroutines, or a buffered channel as a semaphore.


Watch out for IO multipliers in your application

Most server programs take a request, do some processing, then return a result.

This sounds simple, but depending on the result it can let the client consume a large (possibly unbounded) amount of resources on your server.

How many IO events does a single client request generate? Is it fixed, N+1, or linear (reading the whole table to generate the last page of results).

If memory is slow, relatively speaking, then IO is so slow that you should avoid doing it at all costs.

Most importantly avoid doing IO in the context of a request—don't make the user wait for your disk subsystem to write to disk.


Minimise CGO

cgo allows Go programs to call into C libraries.

C code and Go code live in two different universes, cgo traverses the boundary between them.

This transition is not free and depending on where it exists in your code, the cost could be substantial.

Do not call out to C code in the middle of a tight loop.

cgo calls are similar to blocking IO, they consume a thread during operation.

For best performance I recommend avoiding cgo in your applications.




Always write the simplest code you can

Start with the simplest possible code.


If performance is good, stop. You don't need to optimise everything, only the hottest parts of your code.

As you application grows, or your traffic pattern evolves, the performance hot spots will change.

Don't leave complex code that is not performance critical, rewrite it with simpler operations if the bottleneck moves elsewhere.


Always use the latest released version of Go

Old versions of Go will never get better. They will never get bug fixes or optimisations.

I'm sorry about Go 1.5 and Go 1.6 compile speed, believe me, nobody is happy with the situation and we are working on improving it.

Always use the latest version of Go and you will get the best possible performance.


In conclusion

Profile your code to identify the bottlenecks, do not guess.

Always write the simplest code you can, the compiler is optimised for normal code.

Shorter code is faster code; Go is not C++, do not expect the compiler to unravel complicated abstractions.

Shorter code is smaller code; which is important for the CPU's cache.

Pay very close attention to allocations, avoid unnecessary allocation where possible.

Don't trade performance for reliability; I see little value in having a very fast server that panics, deadlocks or OOMs on a regular basis.


Thank you

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