#233 — October 18, 2018

Read on the Web

Golang Weekly

▶  How to Implement an Optimization for the Go Compiler — The audio isn’t great, but this talk digs into some interesting (though very technical) stuff about how Go’s compiler works and how you can tweak it yourself. This video about Go’s machine code generation is recommended as a primer.

Mike Munday (IBM)

Google App Engine Now Has a Go 1.11 Runtime“Write your Go application however you prefer, add an app.yaml file, and your app is ready to deploy on App Engine.”

Eno Compton and Tyler Bui-Palsulich

Do You Need Help Building Your Application in Go? — Do you need to augment your development team or need expert help in building your product? When it comes to building, maintaining and deploying production level software, there are few companies that have the level of expertise and experience Ardan Labs has.

Ardan Labs sponsor

Graceful Upgrades in Go — Cloudflare explains various, somewhat low-level, issues faced when attempting to upgrade running processes without interruption. They’ve also released tableflip, a Go library for NGINX-style graceful upgrades.

The Cloudflare Blog

When nil Isn't Equal to nil — A great explanation of how Go handles pointers and nil and how you can better understand it if you want to avoid surprises.

Jon Calhoun

Applying Seccomp Filters at Runtime for Go Binaries — Using seccomp (a security feature of the Linux kernel) filters can drastically reduce a binary’s attack surface by removing system calls that it is allowed to invoke.


💻 Jobs

Architect, Senior Software Engineer - Subscriptions (SF) — Operating at massive scale, Twitch Subs is seeking a Senior Architect to experiment, build and scale solutions across our organization.


Join Our Career Marketplace & Get Matched With A Job You Love — Through Hired, software engineers have transparency into salary offers, competing opportunities, and job details.


📘 Tutorials & Articles

How to Write a Prometheus Exporter in Go — Callr wanted to collect metrics for Kamailio (an SIP server) and they wanted to teach others how to write Prometheus exporters.

Callr Tech Blog

Join Us in Celebrating Open Source and Earn Limited-Edition Swag — DigitalOcean, GitHub and Twilio welcome the open source community to the 5th annual Hacktoberfest. Learn more.

DigitalOcean sponsor

Getting Started with Go: 2018 Edition — A basic guide to getting up and running as a Go dev with as little fuss as possible. One to pass on to newcomers.

Craig Weber

▶  Experimental Refactoring with Go — How to use multi-step deploys, tame feature flags and run multiple code paths concurrently in production.

Jelmer Snoeck

How Big Is An Int in Go? — Any article that does “bitwise magic” and explains what the right/left shift operators do is worth reading in my book.

Tyler Bui-Palsulich

▶  Tracing Latency in Go — Jaana works on Google’s instrumentation framework and has a lot of experience in this area.

Jaana B Dogan

The Success of Go Heralds That of Rust — An interesting take on how Go got popular in spite of its failings and how Rust successfully addresses those same failings.

George Hosu

How Do Top Developers Deliver Video? - Download the 2018 Video Report

Bitmovin sponsor

🔧 Tools & Code

ghw: A Go Hardware Discovery/Inspection Library — Find out things about the memory, CPU, storage, network support, and similar things about the host computer.

Jay Pipes

resolv: A 2D Collision Detection and Resolution Library for Games


Moss: A Fast, Ordered, Persistable, Key/Value Collection Library for Go


Mole: A CLI App to Create SSH Tunnels

David Pinheiro

joker: A Small Clojure Interpreter and Linter Written in Go

Roman Bataev