🇺🇦 #​411 — May 13, 2022 |
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Changing One Character Wildly Improved Segment's App Performance — In terms of value per keypress, you can’t beat this, surely. Segment’s engineers noticed some sluggishness in a Go-powered system, used Kevin Burke (Segment) |
▶  How to Refactor Cloud Apps in Go 1.18 with Generics — A 20-minute talk from this week’s Google I/O event by two Googlers that introduces Go 1.18’s generics feature, how they differ to other implementations, why to use them, plus a practical demo of refactoring a Go 1.16 app. Easy to follow – a good primer. Cameron Balahan and Cody Oss |
![]() Efficient Infrastructure with DNSimple's Terraform Provider — Use DNSimple’s Terraform provider to manage DNS like with other cloud services, update DNS records & manage DNS infrastructure. Or use the DNSimple Consul integration to automatically provision DNS records from Consul in our authoritative name servers. DNSimple sponsor |
How to Use Alex Edwards |
Quick bits:
Of Ducks and Go Interface Misuse — It’s easy to create interfaces when reuse needs arise, but it’s also easy to create bad interfaces that make things harder for developers to use later. Bart Bucknill (8th Light) |
Shrink Your TinyGo WebAssembly Modules by 60% — Every byte matters when you’re sending it down the wire to be run in a browser, so going from 1.1MB to 377KB in this case with the same source file was a big win. Matt Butcher |
testscript: Define Filesystem-Based Tests by Creating Scripts — Originally created for testing the Go compiler itself, André Eriksson |
Go's Concurrency Examples in Java 19 — Java is about to get support for ‘virtual threads’ which are vaguely similar to goroutines, and the author of this article wanted to compare some Go examples with what the equivalent Java will be. Go certainly wins when it comes to tighter, more readable code! Ethan McCue |
SSRF Attack Examples and Mitigations Teleport sponsor |
Notes on Practical Concurrency in Go — Not exactly a tutorial but a set of notes around a variety of concurrent related mechanisms in Go including mutexes, channels, patterns for distributing tasks, etc. Lucas Alves |
▶  What to Do When Projects Get Big and Messy — The Go Time podcast tackles the topic of software maintenance again. (66-minutes.) Go Time Podcast podcast |
Panic Recovery in Go — Don’t defer reading this article. (I’ll see myself out.) Elliot Forbes |
🛠Code & Tools |
cast: Safe and Easy Casting From One Type to Another — It’s as easy as using Steve Francia |
RoseDB 1.0: A High Performance NoSQL Database Based on Bitcask — Always interesting to see another attempt at building a database in Go. This one is inspired by a popular Erlang-based key/value store, Bitcask, has a Redis-like feel, and can be used standalone or even embedded into a Go app. FlowerCorp |
Fx 24.0: A Command-Line JSON Processing Tool — If you’ve got some files full of JSON that you want to process, Fx will slice and dice it however you want. It was recently rewritten in Go from its original JavaScript and now supports writing reducers in JavaScript, Python or Ruby. Anton Medvedev |
FerretDB 0.2: An In-Progress, Go-Powered MongoDB Alternative — MongoDB, you say? Yes. This is an attempt to recreate the essentials of MongoDB in Go so it could work as a drop-in replacement and it uses Postgres as the underlying database engine. FerretDB |
rqlite 7.4.0: A Distributed Relational Database Built on SQLite — 7.4.0 adds support for restoring a node from an actual SQLite file rather than an SQL dump. rqlite |
sh 3.5: A Shell Code Parser, Formatter, and Interpreter — Supporting sh, bash, and Korn formats. Daniel Martà |
OctoSQL: Join, Analyze, and Transform Data From Multiple Sources using SQL — Supported sources are CSV, JSON, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis and, as of this week, Parquet. Jacob Martin |
Weron: Create Overlay Networks Based on WebRTC