#451 — March 10, 2023 |
The Go Weekly Newsletter |
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Why Turborepo is Migrating From Go to Rust — Turborepo is a high performance JavaScript build system built upon Go but.. perhaps not for much longer. Why? It mostly seems subjective, but you might find their arguments interesting. Vercel Engineering Team |
Code Coverage for Go Integration Tests — While Go has had coverage support at the package test level for almost ten years, coverage for integration tests run outside of the Than Macintosh |
![]() Go! Experts at Your Service — Do you need help filling skill gaps, speeding up development & creating high performing software with Go, Docker, K8s, Terraform and Rust? We’ll help you maximize your architecture, structure, tech-debt and human capital. Ardan Labs Consulting sponsor |
A Journey to High-Perf JSON Parsing in Go — A distributed SQL database needs to maximize data parsing, so CockroachDB’s (very successful) story about doing so is worth the read. The answer came from a somewhat unexpected place and benefits anyone looking to speed up JSON parsing. Yevgeniy Miretskiy (CockroachDB) |
Getting Started with Multi-Module Workspaces — Potentially overlooked in Go 1.18 because they weren’t generics, workspaces let you tell the Go command you’re writing code in multiple modules at the same time and easily build and run code in those modules. Official Go Docs |
Things to Consider When Going with Preslav Rachev |
Terraforming Kubernetes (Free Course) — Lead by Udemy instructor, Justin Mitchel, this course shows you how to spin up a K8s cluster using Terraform. Akamai Connected Cloud sponsor |
William Wennerström |
How Not to Use |
Higher-Order Functions in Go
🛠 Code & Tools |
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ngrok-go: Ingress to Your Go Apps as a Alan Shreve (ngrok) |
Valgo: An Expressive Validator Library — Type-safe and extensible validator library that supports localization and is built upon generics. “Valgo differs from other validation libraries in that the rules are written in functions and not in struct tags. This allows greater flexibility and freedom when it comes to where and how data is validated.” Cohesive Stack |
Don’t Let Your Issue Tracker Be a Four-Letter Word. Use Shortcut Shortcut (formerly Clubhouse.io) sponsor |
Gool: A Generic Goroutine Pool — If you’re familiar with Python’s ThreadPoolExecutor, you might like this as it provides sync and async versions of Tommy Tian |
go-ssaviz: SSA Visualization with Graphviz — You won’t need this unless you’re doing some really low level work, but this tool lets you see Go’s internal use of static single-assignment in your Go package of choice. Shengyu Zhang |
Convolutional Encoder and Viterbi Decoder for Go — If you need this, you’ll know. The author explains the error-correcting nature of such encoders and decoders in this comment. 8FF |