#338 — November 13, 2020

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Golang Weekly

Eleven Years of Go — Unsurprisingly coming after Go's big tenth birthday comes its eleventh ;-) On behalf of the Go core team, Russ Cox writes about what the last year has been like for the project and where things are headed, so generics, pkg.go.dev, gopls, Gophercon, and Go modules all make an appearance.

The Go Team

structslop: Static Analyzer for Efficient Struct Packing — A tool that examines your Go code and recommends optimal struct field arrangements to help improve memory efficiency.

Emmanuel Odeke

Storing Telegraf Telemetry in New Relic One — Add Telegraf to your expanding toolkit. Learn how to use an output plugin built on top of the Golang Telemetry SDK to ingest data with Telegraf, and send it as custom metrics to the New Relic Telemetry Data Platform.

New Relic sponsor

pkg.go.dev Has a New Look — We hinted at this last week, but should have been more patient 😄 pkg.go.dev provides a handy way to look up Go packages and the design has been improved and made more consistent. More metadata is shown for each package too, including how many other packages import it.

Julie Qiu

Go 1.15.5 and Go 1.14.12 Released — These releases address recently reported security issues including how various math/big integer and rational methods can cause panics with specific inputs and arbitrary code execution and injection (at build time) issue.

Katie Hockman

💻 Jobs

Mid-Level & Senior Backend Engineers — Ardan Labs, a consulting firm that helps clients develop software solutions and applications, is currently looking for mid-level and senior engineers with at least one year of Go experience.

Ardan Labs

Golang Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers and work on projects for Riot Games, FOX, Sony, Coinbase, and more.


Find Your Next Job Through Vettery — Create a profile on Vettery to connect with hiring managers at startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.


📘 Tutorials and Stories

How Riot Games Uses Go for Game Development Operations — The creators of League of Legends use Go for back-end server parts (tooling, monitoring, and game server management) and this is a reasonably extensive write up of how.

Aaron Torres, Chad Wyszynski & Justin O’Brien

▶  How Go Helped Save HealthCare.gov — Paul Smith (from “Obama’s Trauma Team”) tells the tale of how Go played a big role in the rescuing and rebuilding of the HealthCare.gov website. “It is worth noting that, 7 years later, almost all of HealthCare.gov has been rebuilt, and substantial parts of it are in Go.”

Go Time Podcast

Live Debug Go in Prod Using eBPF — Add logs into Go binaries in prod without the need to instrument the source code, recompile, and redeploy.

Pixie sponsor

GitHub Action Hero: Eyal Posener and "Go Action" — Eyal Posener added a Github Actions integration to his goreadme project (which we linked to back in issue 310) in an effort to automate readme updates.

The GitHub Blog

▶  What Would You Remove From Go?

Go Time Podcast

🛠 Code & Tools

go-edlib: String Comparison and Edit Distance Algorithms Library — Levenshtein, LCS, Hamming, Damerau-Levenshtein (OSA and adjacent transpositions algorithms), Jaro-Winkler, cosine similarity, and more make an appearance here.

Hugo Bollon

tfgo: Simplified Tensorflow Bindings for Go — Billed as Tensorflow ‘the gopher way’, tfgo wants to make using the popular machine learning platform from Go a lot easier and it now supports Tensorflow 2.3.

Paolo Galeone

Wombat: A Cross Platform GRPC Client Built in Go — Built using Wails which lets you write desktop apps using Go for the 'back end' and JavaScript for the UI.

Roger Chapman

Video for Your Go App That Streams Beautifully, Everywhere

Mux sponsor

gron: Make JSON Greppable — A tool written in Go that transforms JSON into more easily greppable assignments, so you can use grep and see the context/path of the result. Useful.

Tom Hudson

WriteFreely: Distraction-Free Writing for the Web — Written in Go, WriteFreely is a self hosted app that helps bring the focus back to writing (no likes, notifications, or other distractions) and can work in a federated manner with other services.


Muffet: A Fast, Recursive Website Link Checker
Yota Toyama

Pigo: A Pure Go Face Detection Library
Endre Simo